game, dino game play with arduino
Automated chrome dino game with Arduino
Hi friends how are you, I know you get bored in lockdown, so I make this automated dino game with Arduino for you, This automated dino game is very easy to make in few steps at your home.
In this Automated dino game, I am using Arduino UNO you can also use Any Arduino board, and I know you get bored in this lockdown, then you can make build this project for fun, in this project we need Arduino microcontroller which is the brain of this projects, micro Servo motor, 10k ohm Resistor, connecting wire and most important thing LDR (Light Depending Resistor) which sense the object in front of the dinosaur. When dark (object) comes on LDR then LDR sends the signal to Arduino analog pin (A0), as per the programming Arduino gives a signal to Digital pin 9 to activate the Servo motor.
As we know, we connected our servo motor to the laptop to press the space button. and just that this is the circuit of us. similarly, it keeps on working again and again. So how easy was to make It?
If you have any doubt in this project, then you can comment and ask me
Components required.
1. Arduino ( Any Board )
2. Servo Motor.
3. LDR (Light Depending Resistor)
4. 10 K ohm Resistor.
5. Connecting wires.
Watch my youtube video
if you have any questions, then watch this video before commenting and if your question does not go away, then you can comment to me and ask.
Circuit Diagram
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#include <Servo.h>
#define threshold 225
#define unpress_angle 70
#define press_angle 36
Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo
bool trig=true;
void setup() {
myservo.attach(9); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object
void loop() {
myservo.write(unpress_angle); // unpress the button
if(analogRead(A0)< threshold)
myservo.write(press_angle); // press the button
delay(100 ); // waits 100ms for the servo to reach the position
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