
Showing posts from 2020

how to make mini multimeter

 Smart Pocket Multimeter. अब आसानी घर पर सारे electronic components को चेक करने बाला device बनाइये बहोत ही आसानी से ..... दोस्तो  आज के इस आर्टिक्ल मे हम जानेंगे कैसे हम अपने घर पर बहोत ही आसानी से  एक पॉकेट मुल्टिमेटर बना सकते है वो भी सिर्फ Rs 20 पर । इस मुल्टिमेटर के जरिये हम कोई भी एलेक्ट्रोनिक उपकरण कोंचेक्क कर सकते हाओ बहोत ही आसानी से और इसे अप चाहे rechargeable भी बना सकते है जैसे की हमने अपने विडियो मे बताया है।  दोस्तो इस प्रोजेक्ट और डिवाइस को बना ने के लिए हुमे लेना होगा एक PVC पीपे और इस पीपे को कुछ इस्स तरह से काटना होगा जैसे ये एक चिमटी जैसे दिखे , उसके बाद हुमे लेना है एक npn transistor जिसका नंबर है BC547 इस ट्रंजिस्टर का तीन टेरमीनल्स होते है पहला emitter , base और collector , अभी हुमे एक buzzer लवना है और उस buzzer के negative को ट्रंजिस्टर के collector पिन पर सोलदेरिंग कर देना है  और बुज्जर के पॉज़िटिव को बैटरि के पॉज़िटिव पे कनैक्ट करना है उसके बाद बैटरि का नेगेटिव को ट्रंजिस्टर के emitter पिन पर कनैक्ट करना होगा और अवि लेना है एक 220ohm का re...

home automation circuit using youtube

 home automation circuit using youtube hello, friends how are you, in this article, I will show you how to control your home appliances using youtube, Requirements 1. Arduino Uno 2. Relay. 3. audio pin. 4. Diode 1N4007. 5. DC power supply. 6. Load. Connection. Vin - Relay +ve D8 - Relay -ve. A0 - Audio +ve  Gnd. - Audio -ve. connect 10K ohm resistor parallel with audio output. Some ideas and experiments can be Dangerous. And for that, you don't Risk and Damage yourself and the Environment, I am a professional in my business With a lot of experience! Every video, even that completed with compliance with all safety measures. Enjoy the video   WARNING : This video is for demonstration and educational purposes only. Each demonstration presents risks and hazards that must be fully understood before attempting. And should be performed only by professionals. :--) for any business & sponsorship inquiry ...

How to make IR sensor, IR sensor circuit diagram

IR Sensor Circuit Diagram IR communication is very common wireless communication technology.IR communication is easy to use. IR Communication generally comprises of IR transmitter and IR receiver. The most common use if IR communication is remote controls of different appliances like RC toys, Music systems,TV remote control, and some embedded projects consists of IR Modules where they can be used as a proximity sensor, distance measurements, and security alarm, etc. in this project, we have demonstrated the functioning of a simple IR Module using NE555 Timer IC and some electronic components. the aim of this project is to make a different type of IR sensor that can work both inside and outside of the home with the help of 555 timers IC. in this project we have used TSOP1738 IR receiver to receive infrared signal with some frequency and a simple IR LED to transmit the IR signals, The circuit diagram, components, and the working is explained in the video :--) for any bus...

coffin dance music with Arduino & speaker

coffin dance music with Arduino & speaker hi, friends how are you, in this article, I will show you how to make coffin music using Arduino and speaker on your demand, I have made this tutorial video on youtube and have written the article, I make this project only with three components i.e. Arduino board, Speaker & transistor / Amplifier. so wasting any time lets see how we can make this coffin Dance meme music with Arduino if you do not have any speaker so you can also use one buzzer to complete this project. Requirements 1) Arduino UNO (Any board) 2)Speaker 3)transistor BC547 or any NPN transistor  if you don't have any transistors you cal use any audio amplifier Circuit Connectin The Arduino pin (Digital pin 8) connect to Transistors base and Transistor Emitter pin connect on Arduino GND pin, transistors collector pin connect on speaker -ve and speaker +ve connect on Arduino Vin / 5V pin if you have any doubt please watch this video or comment me M...
How to make a potato piano using an Arduino in this article, we are going to make a simple potato piano or we like to call it, the potatiano using an Arduino microcontroller. there's nothing despicable about this projects. in no time you'll be making music with will need an Arduino, a breadboard, 6pice 1M ohm Resistor, some jumper wires, circuit diagram more videos 1 . Top 03 Awesome Electronic Projects With LED, Capacitor, Transistor bc547, Battery, Soldering iron 2 . How to make Heat & Fire sensor with diode. अब आग लगने पर जाने इस के मदद से पूरी जानकारी के साथ बनाए . 3 . 4in1 top electronics projects with relay, transistor, photodiode, resistor full details in Hindi 4 . How to make amazing selfie light at home 5. Top 05 super electronic projects with Transistor, USB, Resistor, LED, Relay, UV Light, DC Motor ...
How to make a video game with Arduino and 16x2 LCD display in this article, we are going to make a simple running game or dino game with an Arduino and 16x2 LCD display, Requirement 1) Arduino Uno ( any type of board) 2) 16x2 LCD Display 3) Push-button / switch 4) 9v battery or dc supply 5) connectors 6) programming cables, if you have any doubt regarding this project watch this video or you can ask me with comments more videos 1 . Top 03 Awesome Electronic Projects With LED, Capacitor, Transistor bc547, Battery, Soldering iron 2 . How to make Heat & Fire sensor with diode. अब आग लगने पर जाने इस के मदद से पूरी जानकारी के साथ बनाए . 3 . 4in1 top electronics projects with relay, transistor, photodiode, resistor full details in Hindi 4 . How to make amazing selfie light at home 5. Top 05 super electro...